The Benefits of Having Meeting Room Displays in the Office

Last updated: 19th of August 2024

In modern workplaces, companies are always looking for ways to improve efficiency and make their processes smoother. One solution that more and more offices are using is meeting room displays.

These are digital screens placed inside or outside meeting rooms that provide information about the room’s availability, current meetings, and other important details. They help with managing room bookings, improving communication, and creating a more organized office environment.

Office featuring tablets meeting room displays running Roombelt.

1. Better visibility of meeting room status

In many offices, it can be hard to find an available room, especially when people don't know which rooms are free or booked. Without a good system, employees may waste time walking around looking for an open space or face scheduling conflicts with others.

Meeting room displays solve this problem by showing real-time room availability. Employees can quickly see if a room is free or occupied, and they can book it on the spot through the display. This reduces the chances of double bookings and ensures that meetings are scheduled without confusion.

2. Easy Integration with Office Systems

Most meeting room display systems are designed to work with existing office tools like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook. This means there is no need to learn a new system or process. Employees can continue using the calendar apps they’re familiar with, and the displays will sync up with them automatically.

This easy integration ensures that the transition to using meeting room displays is smooth and doesn’t disrupt the office’s daily operations.

3. Fewer Scheduling Conflicts

Scheduling conflicts are a common issue in many offices. Employees might think a room is available only to find out it's already booked. This leads to confusion and wasted time. Meeting room displays reduce these problems by clearly showing when rooms are booked and when they will be free again.

Employees can see all this information at a glance and avoid booking rooms that are already in use. This keeps things organized and makes it easier for everyone to find available spaces for their meetings.

4. Better Use of Office Space

Meeting room displays provide valuable data on how meeting rooms are used. Many systems track room usage and offer analytics, showing which rooms are booked the most, how long meetings typically last, and when the busiest times are.

This data can help management make better decisions about how to use office space. For example, if certain rooms are underused, they can be repurposed for other needs, like creating more collaborative work areas or additional private offices.

5. Instant Updates

One of the great features of meeting room displays is the ability to show real-time updates. If a meeting is canceled or rescheduled, the display will immediately reflect the change, keeping everyone informed.

Roombelt and other similar even allow employees to check in when they arrive for a meeting. If no one checks in, the system can automatically free up the room for others to use. This prevents rooms from being left empty when they could be used by someone else.

6. Less Frustration for Employees

Without a proper system for managing meeting rooms, employees often feel frustrated. They may waste time trying to find an available room, or they may show up for a meeting only to find the room is already booked.

Meeting room displays remove this frustration by providing clear, up-to-date information on room availability. Employees can focus on their work instead of worrying about whether they’ll be able to find a room for their meeting. This leads to a more positive work environment and can even boost employee satisfaction.

7. A More Professional Atmosphere

Having meeting room displays can also make the office feel more professional. When clients or guests visit, seeing organized, tech-savvy meeting room setups gives a good impression. It shows that the company is modern, efficient, and cares about how it presents itself.

These displays can also be customized with the company’s branding, including logos and colors, which adds an extra level of professionalism. Visitors will find it easier to navigate the office, and employees won’t need to spend time directing them.


Meeting room displays are a valuable tool for modern offices. By providing real-time information, integrating with existing office systems, and offering features that can be customized to the business’s needs, meeting room displays are becoming an essential part of the modern office setup.